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Peter Daszak, one of the lead scientists centered around the Gain of Function funding and lab leak cover-up. Wrote this letter of solidarity with China. 

This is the same Peter Daszek promoting hyping the media for attracting investors for new vaccines and panvaccines. 

FDA cites side effects from the injections 

Frontline Doctors challenge the WHO treatment protocols, with protocols that actually helps patients. 

Smeared by "fact" Checkers 

Apparently some Doctors found these on the tips of the PCR test swabs as well. They're Made in China, so no surprise. 

The propaganda is strong. All in the name of Health of course. 

They know masks don't help. Dr Lee Merritt explains before a panel. (see video below) 

Funny how they never mention this CDC report on TV, ever. 

What mainstream media reports on when important investigations, like the Wuhan lab leak and Fauci's released emails could be reported. (See stories above, during the time frame.) misinformation by misdirection. 

Odd things listed in the patent 

So if you get a shot and you have to get other shots for other diseases, like in the military, wouldn't you be over the "safe" limit? 

Below are a list a 'leaked' documents. "Debunked" by 'Fact' Checkers. But have these events already taken place as reflected in these claims? 

You have to wonder why would the government need to censor an email From Mark Zuckerberg to Fauci??? 

Does it say something like
Finally [We will ensure that the mind control project never gets revealed to the public on my platform. The CCP, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Twitter are on board. We'll get through this together comrade.]

If the narrative was really based on health and science they would mention how much Natural Immunity and vaccines has been observed or estimated. But there's no incentives for natural immunity. So you don't hear about it. 

Because experts haven't brought that point up the propaganda continues and this is what the public gets instead. 

White House staff just received this email, per official.

1. What's "safe" about getting injected with SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxides, Hydrogel, SM-102, Fragments to construct a library of chimeras, Insect to human proteins, dimethyldioctadecylammonium-chloride, dimethyldioctadecylammonium-phosphate, dimethyldioctadecylammonium-acetate, glycoproteins, Radiation driven mechanisms, Luciferase, Lipid nanoparticles, CRISPR, Ethylene, Polyethylene glycol, Arginine, Gluconate, dimethyldioctadecylammonium-bromide and Cordycepin? 

If these were really so safe, why would all manufacturers demand full immunity from liability. It seems they know these ingredients are not for public health. 

2. Also they're not free. The government is paying for them out of tax money. This inflating the currency and further enriching everybody in partnership with the injections. Huge incentives to force inject. 

3. Not FDA approved. Still under EUA. Long term effects remain 'unknown'. It would take 5 to 10 years from now to know. 

Question, since when do politicians care about public health and since when have politicians been honest?  Can you trust them not knowing what they put in the injections because they don't allow the ingredients to be printed? 


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