The CCP is the only country that stopped testing for Covid since last year. They're using advanced AI to enslave humanity and reduce the population. They have blackmail evidence of high crimes in virtually every country. As a result they force countries to mandate the vaccines. The vaccines have many technologies including for mind control purposes at anytime. 

This information has always been presented as impossible and unproven. Any talk of it usually gets laughed at and labeled as Conspiracy, or 'Conspiracy theory'. The reasons vary, but the topic makes many uncomfortable. 

Most of the attacks come from trained AI programs.

China launches world's fastest programmable quantum computers

With pharmaceutical companies demanding military bases and with big tech's Droid army enforcement of mandates could become unstoppable. Time is running out.

Ironic isn't it?

We're all in great danger. Biden threatens to court Marshall military members who refuse to get injected. Many air defense our now shut down leaving the country vulnerable to attack from our enemies. All planned out by using AI. 

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Here is evidence to consider however of what we may in fact be dealing with. 

Video From MSNBC

Everything is possible for this advanced AI cube from the future. 

Watch Navy pilots explain encountering a flying cube moving at hight speeds. 

This is what we're up against. It's more advanced than what any of us can imagine. And it's being used to push these mandates to get the technologies in people for controlling them. 

Uhh... "can we trust them" Is that a trick question? 

Someone here probably has information, just saying. 

Transhumanism theme throughout time. Also known as high level witchcraft. Casting spells over an unsuspecting audience. That means to garner spiritual consent in the form of entertainment. 

Many chatbots are used on platforms to steer debate in favor of technocrats. Even votes and polls can be manipulated in this manner. 

AI worship = worship of the image of the beast = idolatry 

Notice their favorite number? 

See a pattern? 

Were all these hybrids from the future? 
Do they all have the Vaccine patch? 
Is it the mark of the beast, which has a library of chimeras in the mRNA? 

Why do they hide the right hand? Is it to signal everybody in the big club something is to be kept secret? Hidden? 

A team of scientists went to Peru to examine a 1700 year old mummy. What they found, they could not understand. They could not figure out what the disc on the hand was for. 

Is this what happens when too much luciferase gets manufactured by mRNA? 

Thanks for letting us know Robert! 

Some might think it a mere coincidence...

I don't believe in coincidences. 

The clues are all there, if you know what you're looking for... 

Is there time travel mentioned in the bible? 

Is this the vision technocrats have for survivors with their mRNA tech? 

This Doctor removed many implanted chips from patients. 

1 and 0 is the key to understanding the gold and silver, androgeny, hybridization and the checkered floor. 

Can you see the multiple cubes? 

Or a bunch of binary code? Where the 1s and 0s are read as 6s. 

Is it related with the Graphene Oxide hexagonal shapes? 

No thank you, there's already too many people with cancer already!

More videos on AI if you want more information 


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