
 Library of chimeras? What could go wrong?

Straight from Fauci's email:

Why would that need to be censored if it was nothing illegal? There's literature on how humanizing mice is used to study viruses. As well as literature in grafting bat tissue in mice. To censure this email can bring up ethical and legal questions. 

Pg 261 title says 

RE: SARS CoV-2 in humanized mice

[REDACTED Message] 

quick call?

according to Chinese lab workers, human mice chimeras were created in Chinese labs in order to make animal viruses infect humans. One of Fauci's emails discusses Sars-Cov2 human mice chimeras. They forgot to block that information out)

One of the lab workers from Wuhan independently verified this is what happened.

Other supporting literature on lab created chimeras:

Bat-mouse bone marrow chimera: a novel animal model for dissecting the uniqueness of the bat immune system. Are an important nidus for an extensive spectrum of viruses, ranging from Rabies, Henipavirus to SARS coronavirus (SARS-Cov), Marburg and Ebola viruses.

Humanized mice

Patent highlights below:

Sounds like what you would need to create real zombies is in this patent! 

Was the NIH engaging in communication with projects that involved creating humanized mice to transfer Sars-Cov2 from one species into another? Or from bat to mice and then mice into human to make the jump in species for infection of Sars-Cov2? 


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