

Ethylene listed Carcinogenic dangers

They will say, it's used to sterilize equipment. But it's that really the only thing that can be used to sterilize equipment? 

And maybe it's under 5 ppm to meet safety standards, but what about all the other stuff that also uses Ethylene to sterilize? If you take insulin shots for instance and do nasal swabs, you would be over the 5 ppm safety levels. Since ethylene is used in many products, it's no wonder there has been a rise in cancer rates everywhere. Treating cancer is big business. Curing cancer for good had no incentives. 

And the Fact Checkers that gate keep the truth, avoid CDC and OSHA sources when it's not convenient to their funders narratives. 

They will fabricate news articles to give out misinformation that harms the public. 

They can't hide from the truth! 

Somebody went to the Fact Checkers articles and saw that PED is used as toothpaste and thought it had to be safe because it's used in toothpaste. But they don't check the warning labels on toothpaste. 


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