
Banned from most platforms, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Interview by Dr Joseph Mercola warns billions will die within 2 to 3 years after injections:


Three New Studies Find The Covid-19 Vaccines Do Not Work


Israel proves injections cause Covid


Natural Immunity vs Jabbed

Indentified ingredients of 4 leading brands:


Ivermectin is a safe alternative treatment to treating Sars-Cov2. Therefore it eliminates the Emergency Use Authorization of experimental injections whose long-term side-effects remain unknown until 10 years. 


Ivermectin BIOGARAN 3mg 


The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article


Ivermectin multinational study published: 


Ivermectin was invented by William Campbell and Satoshi Omura to treat parasites, mainly onchocerciasis. Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans and has no side effects on human safety.


Ivermectin, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2015, was originally used as an anthelmintic:


Power testimony from Dr Daniel Nagase on Ivermectin treatment.  Health officials ban a safe and proven treatment and force unsafe and dangerous treatments. 


WHO applied logic 

Australia bans Ivermectin. Aren't they essentially killing more people by doing so? 


Fake News has zero accountability and zero credibility. These tactics could cost many lives. They should be held accountable for spreading misinformation. 

Google algorithms set to discourage using Ivermectin as an early treatment for Covid. 

Meanwhile CNN will run regular mockeries from their talking heads to even consider there's a conspiracy. They're using AI scripts with advanced enbedded psychology. 

Frontline Doctors take a stance against the corrupt protocols promoted by the WHO. They promote protocols their colleagues say are proven to work. 


Tests for natural immunity are EUA. The only issue is what will they do with the DNA after its been tested?


FDA approval? *yawn *

Chantix was also FDA approved in 2006, but it took 15 years to know the cancer risks associated with the product. That's why long-term studies matter. 


2021 Pfizer Recalls Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Over Cancer Concerns: 

The FDA approved the prescription medication in 2006 to help adults quit smoking.  


NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.


Earlier reports must have been squashed by the media and big tech. 


Television as a Mind Control device:


Documentary on the Mind Control effects of watching TV 


Fauci heavily redacted emails

Congress slips in these censorship bills disguised as fighting disinformation. It is too eliminate the possibility of the truth from being discovered. 


The sponsor of the bill, Senator Hirono, says "freedom of speech is a pesky thing". I wonder if the CCP views her as a comrade? 


Carol J. Baker, M.D., gives her 'solution' to increase vaccination and tells her colleagues, "We’ll just get rid all the whites in the United States." (video is Banned on YouTube now) 


Alternate link


Covid being misclassified, total deaths remain the same. Other causes of deaths show decreases. They were classified as Covid deaths. (This John Hopkins article was retracted, but here's the saved archive link) 


CDC VAERS list of vax injuries and deaths. It's said that only 1% - 10% are actually being kept on file. 


Trust the science right? Articles worldwide used a manipulated photo to emotion manipulate parents for pharma profits. 

Original photo 

Trials for using robots and drives to enforce health protocols. 

Will they be used for force injection soon? 

Pfizer already has been accused of bullying countries. 

And has even demanded to have military bases. Are they planning to attack those who do not comply? Are we really supposed to trust companies with this type of vision? 

A grim future

A real Frontline medical Dr is suspended from sharing effective and cheap remedies. 

Because he has money he can force you to take poison for more profit. But he can pay to have real medical doctors that want to save lives banned from getting you critical information. 

This is who is mainly in charge of the pandemic 

Video above: Bill Gates, who has numerous partnerships involved with pandemics, happily announces pandemic 2 in a few years. 

The body language tells you they're planning all of this. Total psychopaths and nobody's doing anything about it. 

The real misinformation spreaders


Data was from last year. It clearly showed that democrats were implementing protocols that increased cases and fatalities, my guess would be for the CCP's benefit. 

How does anybody trust this guy? 

Could it be that people die of old age, but the PCR test says they had Covid? That doesn't mean they died of Covid. 

Dr Scott Jensen former state senator is one of literally 100's of medical doctors who's information is regularly fact checked and shadow banned on platforms. These medical doctors are silenced from giving the public valuable information that could save millions, if not billions of lives. These forms of censorship are responsible for the deaths of many. 

Many more examples of a conspired effort to silence the truth. 

Police in Australia are force injecting children against their will. The camera shows children screaming no and trying to run away. Fact Checkers say this didn't happen because the police said it didn't happen. 

Many people when randomly asked if they support mandatory jabs and jailing the unjabbed signed a fake petition to give their support. It's easy to see this is a direct result from the fear-mongering of Health officials and the media. 

What if this is used as justification to mandate because of majority rule? The average person, politicians and even most Doctors don't seem to understand most people already have been exposed to the virus and 80% show no symptoms and have natural immunity. Because the public has been intentionally misinformed for profit. 

So much erasing of truth to claim the lies as fact. 

Dr Shiva explains the tragedy of India and how easily corrupted their health system has become. Relates to how the Delta variant was all manipulated. 

Too much politics and bribery going on that it can even be seen in the data charts.  

Dr Shiva explains India's medical corruption

Sometimes the media lets out the truth

Always moving the goal posts. Ever think it's intentional? How do they lead sheep to the slaughter? 

Closer to the truth than most realize

They know it's bad. Some probably for a vitamin B shot, or saline. 

Gates Sr was a known believer of eugenics 

Even though the BBC reported it... 

If you sterilize everything with Ethylene, some people are going to be exposed to higher doses than the safe 5ppm limits. No wonder cancer has been on the rise over the last few decades. 

Trump, DeSantis and conservative mainstream all still encourage getting jabbed. Are they all just controlled opposition? Playing good cop / bad cop tactics? 


(Video link above) Shiva exposes Robert Kennedy as controlled opposition 

Stuff like this doesn't help

Fauci announced the approval would come soon. Did his wife have anything to do with approving or perhaps? 

Brave Frontline Dr's who faced an enormous smear campaign and some had their licenses pulled. 

All plotting opening to use the pandemic and climate change to dramatically change the world 

5G readings. High enough to cause adverse reactions 

No inserts, I wonder why? 

COVID-19 vaccine brands under a microscope 

Could this be one of the main reason why Peer-review is stacked and corrupt, Dr Peter Hotez? 

I think some would disagree with the extreme views of Dr Peter Hotez. 

Dr Peter Hotez, a real likeable guy. 

They probably knew Sweden had the better approach, but they needed to drag it out as long as possible to get the injections and the public on their side. 

Baffled? When they were using cycles over 35? I doubt they were baffled. Cover-up story. 

Mr NWO himself. They got rid of all videos of him talking about using contaminated injections to lower the population. 

They were smeared soon after 

Hey everybody let's plan for a pandemic 2 weeks before one happens! 

Don't let anybody tell you those crazy conspiracy theories that 5G might have something to do with upper respiratory problems. 

Just some deleted article from the DTIC on the effects of 60 ghz (5G) on the body. Article found on the saved archive. 

5G runs on 60ghz btw

See immunologic effects of 60ghz frequency (which is what 5G uses). 



Why hasn't the WHO been banned for spreading misinformation? Oh because they're essential to the cabal in destroying humanity. 

Total hypocrisy from mayor's to the federal level. We shouldn't have to follow anything they say about Mandates. 

Sounds like devil speak to reduce the population. 

Brandy Vaughan spoke out against her industry. She filmed that here house was being broken into and that she received death threats. Her cause of death was ruled of unknown causes. How many more have to die, so others can profit? 

Could be the CDC tools the truth on this one. The jabs seem to cause more problems if anything. 

Above this doctor MD Senate testimony was removed from YouTube. They're not interested in real science, only one - $ided propaganda. 

CDC also removed from it's page where it advised hospitals to set lower cycles on PCR tests for ONLY "vaccinated" patients. The CDC did not say the same should be done for "unvaccinated" patients. They removed the page from their site since July 5th. 

Redirect is all you get now

I think the Red Cross now accepts blood from vaccinated persons. Do they use it is another question. 

Quarantine camps are going to be big businesses! $2500 per person per 2 weeks! 

Coming soon? 

DoD erases vaccine adverse effects after attorney Thomas Renz presents the documents during a speech. He saved the documents and loaded them on his lawfirm's website. 


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