
If there's anything today that resembles the mark of the beast technology, this is probably it! 

Luciferase barcoding appears that it can use (Au) gold and (Ag) silver might be used by the computer scanner to be recognized as 0 and 1 code. These barcodes must always contain 666 for the computer to read or correctly. 

The source article on DNA barcoding

Terry Cook - Researcher and Former Police Officer, explains why Barcodes always contain 666. 

Yes, this was long been predicted. 

This is from the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccine patent below 

This is from the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccine patent below

Lucifer yellow (see brilliant yellow) 

Lucifer yellow safety sheet 

And toxicity

See: not for human use and byproducts carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
lithium oxides
nitrogen oxides
sulfur oxides

This patent below is not from the Moderna patent, but it gives information about Luciferase. 

This patent below is not from the Moderna patent, but it gives information about Luciferase. 

This is in the Moderna patent below. 

This patent below is not from the Moderna patent, but it gives information about Luciferase. 

This patent below is also not from the Moderna patent, but it gives information about Luciferase. 

This patent below is also not from the Moderna patent, but it gives information about Luciferase. 

Luciferase is in the mRNA. The light is activating the Graphene Oxide magnetic nanoparticles to form tiny wires that can transmit and receive signals remotely. 

Guess what else is "Activated by Light"

It looks like (Au) gold and (Ag) silver might be used by the computer scanner to be recognized as 0 and 1 code. These barcodes must always contain 101 at the beginning, middle and end. Each 101 is read as a 6 and therefore 3 of the same digits are always in every barcode which is 666 for the computer to read or correctly. 

666 comes up quite a bit in these patents from China. They view 666 as a lucky number. 

You can also find in the Moderna 66.6 measurements used to create Luciferin. 

But the patent lists gold and iron oxides, which could work the same way. 

This is what it does when activated under a microscope 

These ingredients can be taken into the brain by nanoparticles. The bible earned believers not to take the mark on the right hand or forehead

Go Back to main patent page for full listing of ingredients 


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