Metal cations

It seems there's enough metals and solutions listed in the patent to create a battery system in the body. I suppose that is needed to work with the wireless control embedded in the brain to send and receive transmissions from outside sources. There's several technologies to consider that can make the connection possible. 

5G towers and Delta Power Systems


Operation Starfall (Balloon Satellites)


*ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

Moderna Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshots:

Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:
Covid-19 vaccine Patent highlight screenshot:

Battery information screenshots of supporting information:

Remember Graphene Oxide is in the hydrogels and is the nanoparticles listed in the Moderna Covid-19 patent. 

Not from the Covid-19 vaccine patent, but this patent describes the technologies in the Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Within the Covid-19 vaccine patent there are descriptions of spectrometry and ionization for positive and negative charges. 

Seems like this describes machine learning for various purposes. 

This seems that they want to control as many people as possible. There were numerous rituals that were performed that seem to go along with the entire project. 

All of these resemble mind control rituals. As if they were casting spells over the public? 

This is an old plan. It goes much further back than 1999.

Is this what's planned for the next Pandemic they keep talking about? 

Hidden hand aka mark of the beast agenda

When you see these colors, you know what the agenda is about. 

Below, The results of hybridization 

Be subject therefore unto God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you - James 4:7


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