Disclaimer: The information contained here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein is medical or legal advice. You are only encouraged to do your own research. UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, COME BACK LATER Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine patent https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021213945A1 BNT162b1 (BioNTech + 162 sites worldwide) Note: The way the document reads is often not specific to the actual contents of the solution being injected. Some references can be just to the container, or how it was prepared, or citations, or unrelated. It's very hard to read what they're claiming to be in the actual invention because it often doesn't specify enough detail to accurately determine that. Also this is a rough draft I just started. So it's disorganized. //===============Start TABLE OF CONTENTS: *Wireless / wireless technologies *Self- assemble *SARS-CoV-2-encoded polypeptide *Immunoreactive epitopes of a SARS-CoV-2 *(Poly)cationic polymer *...
The information below presents how the entire political system has been corrupted. This explains why governments around the world are working together with industry leaders to push injections. The vaccine mandates are just a critical component to the whole agenda. These are criminals, they don't have any real authority over us. The have to trick us into believing that they do. The evidence of Blackmail collected below will show why all branches of government will work together to ensure the mandatory vaccination goes through regardless of the evidence presented. That's why this portion is essential to present to at minimum law enforcement and military. They are the enforcement of the mandatory vaccinations. So even if SCOTUS rules the evidence is inadmissible. They won't have the enforcement to make it happen. The Supreme Court in Chile did exactly this when it ruled any evidence was inadmissible citing the pandemic. So it has already happened. https://www.nytimes.com/...
They actually have fact Checkers saying there's no luciferase in the mRNA injections Yeh can't even trust Reuters anymore. Which billionaire has them in the pocket? https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-moderna- luc iferin-idUSL1N2MT265 This comes from another Moderna patent. The same information is on the Google patent. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10703789B2/en?oq=10703789 Image below: From the Covid-19 vaccine mRNA patent using freepatentsonline.com Bad stuff Below image: From the mRNA Moderna 'vaccine' patent Gluconate combined with Arginine is a known infertility drug. Zn2 or zinc is also in the patent. Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent Normally Cordycepin is harmless. Unless it can be transinfected into the brain by microbubbles. Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. From freepatentsonline.com Hydrogel contains Graphene Oxi...
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