Pfizer patent
Disclaimer: The information contained here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein is medical or legal advice. You are only encouraged to do your own research. UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, COME BACK LATER Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine patent BNT162b1 (BioNTech + 162 sites worldwide) Note: The way the document reads is often not specific to the actual contents of the solution being injected. Some references can be just to the container, or how it was prepared, or citations, or unrelated. It's very hard to read what they're claiming to be in the actual invention because it often doesn't specify enough detail to accurately determine that. Also this is a rough draft I just started. So it's disorganized. //===============Start TABLE OF CONTENTS: *Wireless / wireless technologies *Self- assemble *SARS-CoV-2-encoded polypeptide *Immunoreactive epitopes of a SARS-CoV-2 *(Poly)cationic polymer *...
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