The idol

This prophecy has multiple depths to it. The metals listed are significant to our current period of time. All of these components are found in a computer as well as in the C-19 vaxx patent information. 


Silver (Silver metal is part of silver sulfadiazine and silver salts, which are listed in the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent.)

Bronze (is a mixture copper, tin and often tin, aluminium, manganese, nickel or zinc and sometimes non-metals or metalloids such as arsenic, phosphorus or silicon.)

All these metals are Akari listed in the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. 


Iron Oxides are listed in the patent. 

Iron mixed with clay (Clay minerals are composed essentially of silica, alumina or magnesia or both, and water, but iron substitutes for aluminum and magnesium in varying degrees, and appreciable quantities of potassium, sodium, and calcium are frequently present as well.)

There are all elements needed to describe the same metals and minerals as described in the bible for the idol as described in Daniel's prophecy. These same metals are used in computer components. And men are made from clay. This seems to describe the Trans-humanism movement very well. 
In my opinion, part of the the Covid-19 vaccine is about turning people into robots, or merging them with the AI. 
The AI is simply an idol. It is something created by men to mimic the Most High Elohim. Humanity has allowed this idol to exist and if we do not resist it, we're allowing this idol the legal right to turn us into useless idols. 
Our Abba is allowing this to happen because as a whole we choose it by trusting in it. This is why they say trust the science and not trust in our natural immunity given by our Abba. 


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