Bound together

The information below presents how the entire political system has been corrupted. This explains why governments around the world are working together with industry leaders to push injections. The vaccine mandates are just a critical component to the whole agenda. These are criminals, they don't have any real authority over us. The have to trick us into believing that they do. 

The evidence of Blackmail collected below will show why all branches of government will work together to ensure the mandatory vaccination goes through regardless of the evidence presented. That's why this portion is essential to present to at minimum law enforcement and military. They are the enforcement of the mandatory vaccinations. 

So even if SCOTUS rules the evidence is inadmissible. They won't have the enforcement to make it happen. The Supreme Court in Chile did exactly this when it ruled any evidence was inadmissible citing the pandemic. So it has already happened. 

Not a coincidence 

I know these are real because I took the photo of the bottom right pentagram. 

Are these the NWO police? They're the most brutal I've seen towards Australian citizens. 

How come Epstein is in many of these? 

ITNJ Judicial inquiry - Topic: Adrenochrome 

Ally Carter talks on the Stew Peter's show about Obama, Biden, CPS, Police etc involved in child trafficking 

The whole system is corrupted

Invite target to party and some Scopolamine to the drunk? 

Renowned defamation Attorney Lin Wood calls out the ruling class as a bunch of pedos

Perverts are everywhere

Harvard Constitutional law professor, frequent Fox guest. Has demanded for mandatory injections denying that the constitution protects rights during a pandemic. 

Odd isn't it? 

A declassified document under the Freedom Of Information Act of one of Hillary Clinton's email sent to John Podesta.
(FOIA link maybe down permanently)

AZ Veterans discover disturbing abandoned camp used for child Trafficking. Police arrest the veterans and close off the camp from further public investigation. Police have not responded to local news inquiries. 

The famous painting of Lucifer summoning  his legions. With none other than those two.

Nobody likes that sick spirit cooking witch except Bill Gates

Satanic rituals and pedophilia hold key players in the whole system from doing the right thing. Fear of exposure of embarrassing crimes. 

Washington DC Comet Ping-pong known for high profile customers. Also known for alleged child Trafficking supposedly debunked according to all mainstream media outlets. Some of the Instagram photos that were shared by employees in the past suggest otherwise. 

All comet ping-pong employees had locked their accounts after the story broke. 

The problem has been around for a long time. And now we're at this point because nothing was ever really done about it. 

This seems to be what these people are into
John Podesta never denied his emails were hacked. Photos from the wikileak emails. 

Senator Nancy Schaefer murdered for exposing the CPS

It may be difficult to find even law enforcement departments to trust. 

Who can you trust? 

Some Comet Ping Pong after hour parties. They have since locked their Instagram accounts from outsiders. 

The Rock "jokes" about eating little kids. Who does that? 

Big surprise 

"I love kids jumping on my lap" - the guy pushing for Mandatory jabs

Somebody flew a drone on that island before they cleaned up the place 

Soros dig his minions from the pedo dumpster? 

Even high ranking military are bound together

Horrible stories of survivors. Look up state Senator John DeCamp or Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson

Hunter Biden blackmail content hosted on a Taiwan site. 

Facebook AI bans this link below from being shared even in private messages. The pop-up warning says it's dangerous. Just search Biden laptop on the link below. The sexual content had to be removed or blurred out. 

This is how Biden can be leveraged by the CCP to force everyone to be injected. 

And German article linking Hunter Biden on pornhub

And what's so bad about being under the CCP rule? 

The Vatican and it's employees hold diplomatic immunity from international prosecution. This allows for human trafficking to thrive at the highest levels of government. 

The Vatican secretly funds and benefits from the vaccine industry 

The above photo is banned from being shared on social media and many fact checkers claim its false. 

Killroom evidence 

Ancient rituals

They create titles for themselves and dress up in elegant clothes. They create an illusion that allows them to cover their crimes. 

They don't have any real authority over us. They are criminals. They have to trick us into believing they have authority, but criminals never have authority. 

It's time to wake up. Their plans are to destroy us. 

Many GOP have just vowed to wage lawsuits against the Biden administration against his vaccine mandates. He's confident the courts will rule in his favor. I wonder why? 

They all know. 

This article demonstrates how a cover-up involving satanic rituals and pedophilia of many judges and politicians was effective. 

Investigators say the children were all coerced into retracting their statements under threats. Hear from the children's statements for yourself. 

The FBI has since removed the logo information from their website. 

Politicians on both sides have deep ties with China. China is actively seeking to destroy the US and put all nations under it's control with the help of it's AI

Notice Loeffler doesn't deny the accusation. 

Still sits on intelligence committees, giving information to our enemies 

Imagine being so rich, you decided to fund revolutions worldwide to bring down nations for global communism

Communism is strong in the mouth-piece of Biden 

Pedo politics

Why do all their office numbers end in 666?

Do you see what I see? 
MK Ultra victims

Brilliant plan for them, bad for everyone else. 

Pharmakeia has always been rooted in witchcraft 

This private intelligence firm requested all of their office numbers end in 666.

Sick guy

Was she ordered to cover up? Or is she a frequent visitor too? 

Why was Assange who exposed the crimes being arrested? 
Why haven't any of the criminals he exposed been arrested? 

Hollywood pedoism exposed by big names in the business. 

Full documentary

Many rescued children

Kidnap van? 

Some DC residents say the area has a lot of government agencies there. 

Sick people 

Video above: Somebody filmed across Comet Ping-Pong in 2007, long before there was any controversy from wikileaks release of Hillary's emails. In the video screams from children are coming from the restaurant. 

Intense documentary on trafficking with big players:

Depopulation agenda straight from the mouths of several billionaires and leaders.

This is what we're dealing with. It's unpleasant, it's horrible, but it continues because almost nobody wants to acknowledge it. This is how we get into these satanic vaccine mandates. Literally, some of the ingredients come from the pits of hell

They create titles for themselves and dress up in elegant clothes. They create an illusion that allows them to cover their crimes. 

They don't have any real authority over us. They are criminals. They have to trick us into believing they have authority, but criminals never have authority. 

It's time to wake up. Their plans are to destroy us. 

There's just no other way of putting it, it's that simple. 


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