Brilliant Strategy Needed

Feel free to improve this rough draft. 

Major points:

*Protect Whistle-blowers that are coming fwd

*Protect information from being erased

*Form multiple friendly alliances

*Add more expertise in other areas

*Audience participation

*Investigate the medical board complaints 

*Investigate head of health orgs 

*Investigate the system corruption 

*Organize accountability proceedings 

*United in one voice

*A call to international repentance and prayer

Added Details:

We must find innovative ways to protect one another. There are plenty of patriots that can help. They should be vetted. 

The conspirators are scrubbing evidence from their websites. Here's the proof from an Ohio Attorney Thomas Renz.

I seen it firsthand also. That's why I'm asking anyone that sees this to focus on a brilliant strategy. 

We're against very advanced Artificial intelligence systems from big tech, big bank, big military, federal government international intelligence, corporate media the CCP and so on all working together. 

Current strategy: 

The best experts get on a show alone and talk about the vaccines. Some show microscope findings. 

That's helpful, but big pharma sends out its fact checkers equipped with AI to smear that information. Google blocks it from appearing and pushes the fact checkers instead. 

Big pharma is embedded in the media directly or financially. International intelligence, the CCP and special US military units do their part also. 

Better strategy:

Get the manufacturer's patent information around to all the experts and lawyers first to know what's in these vials. They can unite together and give a formal presentation to the public. 

The patents are more than enough and are direct admission of crimes against humanity. 

We need to adjust regularly to better strategies to win. 

Marketing experts that want to help

Detectives that want to help

Public relations experts probably want to help

Unfortunately we must be cautious on controlled opposition. They're going to tip off our moves and fumble the cases in court so the mandates go thru. 

Go on the offensive. Nobody wins by playing defense. 

Investigate the medical boards. Who's behind them? How many conflicts of interest? Who's involved in pay to play? Who's trapped by pedophilia? Who's appointed by money from Bill Gates, Soros or their investment partners? 

Serve lawsuits, subpoenas get damning information. 

Form partnerships with friendlies like Gab, Rumble, Red voice, Stew Peters, Tucker, Bongino, Joe Rogan, Project Veritas TruNews etc... 

When it gets reported by one of the above, the others report on it too. To get the information to more people. 

Form big alliances:

Some Senators from Australia, Canada and maybe US
a couple of PM European members
There's plenty of lawsuits representing police, military and other public services. 

We have strength in numbers. 

Avoid sharing sensitive information on services tied to Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Too much AI control. 

Can we prioritize information ahead of time to help others?

Microscope findings and patient side effects can support the patent information. Combined together strengthens the case. Organize the information so a cave man can understand it. 

Pfizer - > sperm and propane = bad
Johnson and Johnson - > Gene deletion and chimeric cells = very bad
Moderna - > radioactive ions and cDNA = very bad, kills many people 

Encourage audience participation to help share information around the community. They can put copies of the videos on cd/dvd/thumb drives and pass them around. Stick them on windshield wipers. Or get them on electronic billboards to mass inform people and bypass the compromised MSM and fact checkers. 

We win this by sticking together. Their biggest fear is the truth comes out and that everybody knows it. 

We're here to help the protestors, the police, military and even a minority of politicians to have the information that's going to help us all. 

People will need to know it's the AI and 5G systems that are going to be used to enslave everyone. People will know what to do about that on their own. Keep pointing the finger at those involved and their technologies. 

Setup Nuremberg 2.0. Like literally everyone who knows the truth about the fraud and crimes wants that to happen. 

If you can organize raids on all hard drives of all involved and lay out the evidence for the public 

Hold all involved fully accountable 

Prayer, this is spiritual battle 

Add whatever else is necessary

Maybe create small magnet messages to pass out like restaurants do for advertising. Include a QR code to a formal website with all the information and walk through. 

Above image, Something like that? 

Remember, they're coordinating everything through advanced AI learning systems. They are also using trillions of tax dollars to make it all happen. And most if not all pushing mandates are caught up in high crimes. This is a new type of warfare over freedom spearheaded by the CCP. 

This is more than just a new type of warfare, this is a spiritual warfare.

Repentance is important for the lands to heal.

And most importantly, pray pray pray!


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