Bible prophecy
A lot of Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in our time. We were not given the day, or the hour, but we were told to look for the season.
How was the season described?
Roman fascia in state logos
Roman fascia in court system
Where fascism really took on an evil meaning
US Congress with giant fascia. Signifying allegiance to Rome.
The feminist movement. Has broken the nuclear family and increased divorce rates by more than half. Even within the church.
These events have only happened in our generation
Could NEOM be the Great City mentioned in prophecy?
Revelation 12 sign in the Constellations in 2017
There have been many eclipses worldwide.
European Union does own a lot of patents
One world religion being fulfilled?
Yes watch!
What is coming soon?
Is the pandemic part of bible prophecy?
Injections in the Bible?
What Denisovan would have looked like, is what the Bible calls a giant.
Answering misinformation from academia
Most academia is in line with the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian is moderated by politicians. That's what gives the organization it's tremendous clout and control over what is allowed to be taught in education. In other words, it's not led by scientists, but politics.
Hardly enough evidence to justify forcing evolution in public schools.
So what happened with the dinosaurs?
With less oxygen after the flood and vulcanizism, things could no longer live 10x's the ages they do now. It's a fact that lizards do not stop growing as they age. If they aged 10x's as today, they could have been 10x's larger.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that... - Genesis 6:4
The groves they meet at to slay children?
if one is wise and has an understanding to count the number of the beast, which is also the number of a man, the number comes to 666.
Is the mRNA injection the hybrid beast/man mark?
Want more Bible proof? Try this video Playlist
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Soon Yahusha will return for those who believe in him. If you want to be saved, just repent of your sins and pray asking him into your heart and believe that he died on a cross or tree and paid for your sins. And that he was raised back to life and is seated by his abba.
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