Patent highlights


They actually have fact Checkers saying there's no luciferase in the mRNA injections 

Yeh can't even trust Reuters anymore. Which billionaire has them in the pocket? 

This comes from another Moderna patent. The same information is on the Google patent. 

Image below: From the Covid-19 vaccine mRNA patent using 

Bad stuff

Below image: From the mRNA Moderna 'vaccine' patent 

Gluconate combined with Arginine is a known infertility drug. Zn2 or zinc is also in the patent. 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent  

Normally Cordycepin is harmless. Unless it can be transinfected into the brain by microbubbles. 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. From 

Hydrogel contains Graphene Oxide. Image below proves this. (not from Covid-19 vaccine patent) 

Here they kinda openly admit the Graphene Oxide. At least for the nasal sprays coming soon. 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. Seems to suggest AI Machine Learning is controlling the technologies. 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Lotta strange stuff listed in the patent 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

They even talk about exosomes. Interesting.
 Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Teaching using mRNA for crossing the blood brain barrier. No need for that to be there, unless you're trying to insert mind altering technologies. 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. So it can mimic any disease? Great! What could go wrong? 

Should we trust AI to reprogram all of this? 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

A whole bunch of nasty stuff here

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent  

Image below from Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent 

Are these the Core-shells under a microscope? 

Are these to form or help form neuro-lace sheets around the brain? 

Of all the ml numbers they could use to create LUCIFER(IN) right? 
Yeh, this is in the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent! 

Is this a library for the AI to work from to reprogram the polynucleotides a year or so later? 🤔

So much of the Covid-19 vaccine patent is dedicated to "treating cancer". I thought they were only treating Covid-19? 🤔

To use treating cancer as a way to sneak in cytotoxic materials to create more illnesses? Seems potentially profitable! 

To antagonize, or to agonize... That is the question! 

I already don't trust your Luciferin 66.6 technology. And you want to silence my genes? 

Who came up with these ideas? Jeffrey Epstein? Or was it all Bill Gate's idea to include this? 

Last time I checked having a strong immune system was important. Just saying. 

What's the point of having this in the Covid-19 vaccine patent? 

Just turn me into Spider-Man with your gene therapy. On second thought, no. 

I like ending with a nonsense codon too. 

Or even better with no codon, so the RNA created will go out of control. 
I think the patient will need treatment after the AI reprograms a few things. 

Sulfur, isn't that something the bible mentioned about a fire that can not be extinguished? 

Radioactive ions, sweet... Which X-men mutants will be created? 

And finally, this is what they provide the public, who is mandated to get the jabs for employment, to travel and to go into restaurants 

You've gotta be joking right? 
If you think that's bad you should see the luciferase barcoding, cDNA and battery information


The most Controlled Narrative, how is it controlled and the main forces behind the control. Multiple partnerships of multiple echelons and nations involved. The majority of the coordination is handled by Artificial Intelligence. Trillions from tax payers funds the whole operation. Those pushing the mandates seem to be all tied with high crimes. They may have no choice, but to rule against humanity. 


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