Bible pandemic

Here are some very interesting Bible parallels with the pandemic:

Nobody can buy or sell unless he has the MARK 

What about Luciferase and DNA barcoding? 

In the mRNA technology 

Very sinister and no reason to have this in a vaccine. 

Using gold oxide and iron oxide nanoparticles to scan as 0s and 1s.

With such barcoding involved, this has to be the Mark of the beast 

Dr Michael McDowell – Talks about the agenda of Covid-19

Seems like they get this illuminating technology when they reach 33 degrees 

Baalzebub means lord of the flies. What are the chances luciferase comes from fireflies? 

The planned "vaccine" smart patch from Verndari

Verndari is also a powerful runic symbol. It resembles the baphomet symbol. Magick sigils can be used to invoke spirits. Basically you are inviting Baphomet into you. 

A hybrid human reptile found in PerĆŗ. It also has a disk object on it's right hand. 

Already people have been getting grievous sores after being jabbed. 

From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 

From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 

From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 

From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 

From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 
From the mRNA technology (Moderna patent) 

Parasitic worm that never dies because it's artificial 

Both in the jabs and PCR swabs. Made in China too. 

Still putting trust in man to save you? 

The "image" (of the beast) compared with Solomon's temple. 

From above the world's idolatry looks like a Coronavirus 

Has there not been a great conspiracy from the nations?

They know

The nations conspired and tried to hide it
Covid-19 kit purchases from the IMF World Bank. 

They knew what they were doing 

That's why they did big satanic rituals with many world leaders present

This was from the Rockefeller page back in 2010. It has since been removed. And fact checkers deny it was ever there. 

Those who conspire against the Most High 

Big reset button, all involved want to reduce the population for sustainability goals

Facebook pushing Chinese digital coin

They don't hide that it's an agenda. They're proud of it. 

CRISPR Cas 9 gene drive technology 
Changes DNA permanently. The Bible refers to the mark of the beast as a number of a man. Beast and man, a hybrid. CRISPR makes it possible. 

This was how they created the Covid-19 by creating hybrid species as a bridge. So that viruses could jump species. 

The email tells you they wanted to hide there work, but they left big clues didn’t they? 

More on the Daniel prophecy parallels 

How could that have been known 2000 years ago? 

Exactly what the Bible said would happen 

I'm not saying it's aliens, but it says aliens 


Strong delusions, like Facebook fact checkers actively do with truthful posts

Actively blocking the public from knowing anything. 

Alternate reading of the text gives new meaning. Relevant to the current hybridization program. 

Hybrid language in the Bible

Yeh, kind of like "Trust the science" 

Outside are the dogs, but hybrids 

The nation's have been weakened. Those using AI technology for personal gain. 

Hybrid "shining one" must of had some Luciferase inside. Must of had some CRISPR gene editing technology too. Linked to the AI beast for extreme knowledge. 

Bunch of tricksters

See more Bible prophecies that have already been fulfilled in our generation 

And see the metals that make up the idol described in Daniel compared to the metals described in the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine patent. They match. 


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