Controlling Narrative

Disclaimer: This is not legal, or medical advice. This is only for educational and entertainment purposes. Do your own research. 

Trusted News Initiative was created to control all mainstream media information relating to the pandemic in what their experts claim to be misinformation. They claim to be fighting Covid-19 falsehoods, but they are just a powerful propaganda tool as evident in their extreme biases.

The media often attempts to discredit any mention of an ongoing conspiracy between Government officials, media, big Tech, big pharma, criminal entities and international organizations. 

But once you search for the connections, it's hard to deny the conspiracy does exist. 

Those are the known ones people have found. This did not include the investments and partnerships. 

Evidence cited below demonstrate that vaccine mandates are critical for the entire agenda. And how everything connects to form the true story.

Some or most government officials are not receiving questions or information concerning the polynucleotide ingredients and technologies. Most have email system set up using Microsoft which block these types of questions from getting through. This is a very controlled system that prevents people from getting important information. 

Something similar happened with a Senator from Australia. There is a massive effort using Artificial Intelligence to limit communication from government bodies and sources that could provide critical evidences that would expose the true agenda. 

Apparently we've always had millions die from respiratory deaths. According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), in 2017 the world had over 6 million deaths from respiratory diseases and infections... 🤔

Compare that with 4.55 million Covid deaths during 18 months... 🤔

Tons of video evidence of empty hospitals around the world.

The jabs don't keep you from spreading 

The jabs don't keep you out of the ICU

Straight from the donkey's mouth. AOC offers the public bribes to families to get Covid put on their loved ones death certificates.

Dr Daszak from the NIH website.


Israel Proves Vaccinations Cause Covid

SHOCK VIDEO: Senior doctors and a marketing director at in North Carolina discussed inflating COVID-19 numbers by counting recovered patients as active COVID patients. "We need to be... more scary the public... If you don't get vaccinated, you know you're going to die." 

Italian medical staff corrects Andrea Mandelli, Member of Italian Chamber of Deputies, that the ICUs are full of vaccinated people not unvaccinated before being cut off from the microphone. 

Dolores Cahill, an Immunologist expert, explains the mRNA technology always failed animal tests when tested for an influenza vaccine.

mRNA vaccine failed animal tests for use in influenza vaccine

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee turned whistle-blower, has been on numerous independent shows discussing the contents listed in the Moderna patent. She gave a list of ingredients listed in the Moderna patent which should not be in the injections.

Various videos of her interviews can be found on Rumble, or bitchute. Platforms where free speech is still allowed.

Fact Checkers are already denying the information presented by whistle-blowers like Karen Kingston.

Denies Luciferase

Denies Graphene Oxide

Yet both are listed in the patents. (Graphene Oxide is a key ingredient of Hydrogel) yet no mention of that by "Fact" Checkers.

Some if not all Fact Checkers use AI and machine learning to debunk factual information in order to protect their investor's interests

A common tactic is to imbed false information into factual claims. They did this with Judy Mikovits, who never claimed in the plandemic documentary to have worked for Dr Fauci. In the film, she said she worked with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, a colleague of Dr Fauci.

Fact Checkers funded by the 'Open Society' which is how George Soros sticks his money into controlling narratives. Other funders could have business ties to pharmaceuticals as well.

Poytner Institute list of funders

MediaMatters founder David Brock was a hardcore Democrat activist for Hillary Clinton. He also owns True Blue Media LLC.

David Brock was the ex boyfriend of James Alefantis

James Alefantis was caught up in a Pedo scandal. The media claimed it was a debunked theory before there were any investigations.

No serious investigations were ever conducted. The main reason was because Edgar Maddison Welch, an actor, was sent in as a distraction cover story.

Political pedo satanic connection. 
graphic photo evidence of how they are bound together to achieve the end goal.

Other changes of reality

Congress passed a bill and then President Obama signed called H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. 

It amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 that restricted government from providing information to a domestic audience. It also amended the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to prohibit funds for the Department of State or the Board from being used to influence public opinion or propagandizing in the United States.

Veritas has literally hours and hours of footage of media executives and directors admitting they push "propaganda 24/7" their exact words. Also they have undercover footage of mainstream employees admitting they receive large amounts of money to run pro-vaccine stories. And undercover footage exposing voter fraud. How judges and clerks are in the pockets of activists.

206 US organizations George Soros funds, that influence the media and fact checkers.

Interesting views from Mr Soros

You might ask, what does this have to do with Mandatory injections? Well... Mandatory injections are just part of the bigger picture. To implement the CCP's Credit Rating system through the injections. In order for their plan (devised by AI) to work, they must destroy America. People like Soros have said they're only there to make money. The consequences of their actions are not their concern. Getting the right man in office to mandate vaccines was key to the CCP operation. 

The media has been engineered for decades to misdirect the public for political and special interests. These cartoonists illustrate the problem well.

Congress has been passing trillions in the name of Covid relief and most of the money ends up with the banks and big pharma. That money is used to further enslave the public not help the public go back to normal. What would be the incentives for those involved to go back to normal? 

They're the only ones permitted to lie repeatedly. Their lies are destroying nations and makes us vulnerable to mandatory injections. 

Maybe it's time we see these people as installed puppets for the CCP agenda to destroy America from within? 

There's plenty of people in any country who buy into the Communist agenda. 

Although it seems irrelevant to mandates, politics plays a big role in mandates. Actually, that's the only reason there's a mandate issue. People like Soros fund politicians into office that share their views.

James Smith retired from Pfizer in 2020 and is currently the CEO from Reuters.

Interesting comments from Eustace Mullins on Rockefeller medicine (see 8:56 - 11:43 especially). Explains the history of business influences over modern medicine, very eye opening.

To read more on The Rockefeller Syndicate by Eustace Mullins

Federal Govt HHS nurse blows the whistle on jabs

ICU Nurse Blows Whistle on COVID 'Media' Narratives

A major part of worldwide injections is Communism. We can't allow this to succeed. 

 The ultimate goal of mandates

Who funds these groups? What are their ties to international private intelligence organizations? Did I say too much? 🤫

A group of capitalists are funding to destroy America. With the middle class gone, it's easier to force mandates and credit ratings to follow. These groups seem to like the hybrid system of the CCP better. 

Is this the BIG PICTURE? 

Or is this? 

Same thing happens in the CCP camps. The same camps being built for those who refuse the jabs. It's what the New World Order is about. Mandatory jabs are a key factor in the plans. 

See what happens when someone gets out of line? Now Disney pushes the CCP propaganda without question. 

There's that agenda 2030 word again, "sustainability". 

[missing video] 

Above: Looks like many organizations involved in the same 'sustainability' double speak. 

Biden actually tells on himself thinking the cameras were off. Trust the agenda, I mean "trust the science". 

When Senator Doug Collins exposed Senator Loeffler as friendly to communism, she could not respond to the accusation.

CCP has it's people everywhere to takeover. Mandates play a big part in their goals. Their AI created jabs are for mind control. 

Notice Chairman Mao is in his home too? But what's so bad about it? Uh mass genocide? 

Should tell you something about the FBI, eh?

Just that sink in for a moment... 

Can we bring back McCarthyism yet? 

Blackrock is a major funder of the media networks. Bill Gates holds a lot of shares in Blackrock. 

Dr Carrie Madej has been blocked from exposing important information.

She explains Hydrogel came from DARPA. Also how Dr Craig Ventor is involved in the project. He invented synthetic bacteria. 

Not to brag, but I have the same medical expertise as Bill Gates. 

Notice the date is just before the first case was announced. Pre-emptive planning?

All they're doing is removing Dr's who tell the truth about the agenda. While they protect Dr's who repeatedly lie, like Fauci and promote their business partners like Gates. 

What's it going to take? 

Facebook can just promote pro-mandate government officials to make sure you get the jabbity shot from a blow-dart from a drone while they refuse to get jabbed. 

How long must humanity endure this absurdity? 

Up is down and down is up

Already happening. Shadow banning and so-called community guidelines and a flood of chatbots in groups that have legitimate experimental vaccine concerns. These chatbots often write the fact checking articles that they cite. AI programs can pass peer review standards as well.

Some noticed politicians around the world, seem a little too scripted.

Even the health officials admit, on a hot mic, they read from a prepared script, not actual data. 

🇻🇳 Comrade Brzezinski 🇻🇳 has a Freudian slip, "Control Exactly What People Think. That Is Our Job." -Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe, Feb . 22, 2017

Evidence that they'll stop at nothing to make sure they get 100% vaccination. They meaning everyone pushing the agenda. 


Or all the other injuries from injections?

Wikipedia changed their definition of Fear mongering a month before the pandemic was officially announced. It no longer includes the text book definition of being used to "deceive the public"

Edit on Feb 5, 2020

Pandemic announced by WHO on 11 March 2020

Senators have pushed for bills limiting free speech. This could include any public health information that goes against the WHO and CDC. Both organizations are corrupt and ran like businesses.

Some US Senators express great disdain for freedom of speech, calling it "a pesky thing" in the US.

Health officials changed definitions

Texas Collin County Commissioners Court Meeting. Health representatives inform the county of changes in definitions and how cases are to be counted. 19 out of 20 cases are probable cases and not confirmed. Meaning it's a Doctors guess. A Doctor who has incentives to report cases as Covid increases the case count and preserves the pandemic status. The pandemic status is needed to force the injections into as many people as possible.

Governments like Australia recently have been caught altering their websites on data that showed high flu death seasons. Is it fair to say, in order to fit the narrative? 

The CCP funds and largely influences Western media

STUNNING: All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ From Chinese Communist Propaganda Front

Beijing is buying up media outlets and training scores of foreign journalists to 'tell China's story well' - as part of a worldwide propaganda campaign of astonishing Scope and ambition.

According to Foreign Agents Registration Act filings, BLJ Worldwide has run pro-Beijing propaganda campaigns on behalf of the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), an organization with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

The relationship between the US media and the CCP is revealed in the Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings

The FARA report documents China's involvement in US media:

Western media is controlled almost completely by 6 corporations.

USA is a dominant actor in most popular news sources, and that both English and non-English online news display US-centric priorities and agendas.

Disney which owns various American broadcasting companies is heavily under CCP pressure to protect their narratives.

China owns 57% of Disney.

Bill Gates is the major investor of Blackrock (some sources say 50.87% ownership) and owns part of Vanguard investments

CNN and MSNBC receive a large amount of donations through Blackrock and Vanguard investments. Many of the investors have partnerships which each other.

Blackrock had billions invested from China up until recently.

Blackrock and Vanguard monopoly over everything affecting your life

Does China have puppets implanted in every country?

Examples where the media put conflicting reports within days apart. The (mis)information reflected political motives, not true health facts:


Trump rallies cause spike in Covid cases

Black Lives Matter mass protests do not cause spikes in Covid cases

Jun. 23, 2020

Trump allies break with him: 'Disturbing' coronavirus spike is 'unacceptable'

June 24, 2020 <--a day later

There is no evidence yet that the wave of Black Lives Matter protests across the U.S. sparked COVID-19 outbreaks in the more than three weeks since they began

Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying, Don't shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse.

These articles are just a few examples that reflect a complete political compromise of the media and health sectors.

AI used to write Covid articles. Evidence.

Even Fauci admitted PCR tests over 35 cycles are useless. Most are over 35 cycles and therefore useless.

Fauci probably doesn't want you to hear what he said in 2019 about masks and how to stay healthy.

More Faucism fear-mongering to promote mandatory vaccination of children explained:

IMO This man is only interested in pushing "vaccines" for every single person on the planet. He has too many conflicts of interests and there should be an international prosecution of high crimes. The Biden administration is certainly not going to do it. They already stated that under no circumstances would he even be removed. 

Fauci and his history of scandals, the HIV scandal

Dr Gary Davis inexpensive cure for HIV blocked by Fauci and the FDA. Here's the two part Local news Channel documentary. He mysteriously died. 

Part 1


Bill Gates has partnerships with at least 192 other billionaires in "fighting Covid". 
See Melinda Gates say so @ 4:15 min

What could go wrong with a 192 business moguls running the entire pandemic narrative?

Dr Fauci is a long time friend of Bill Gates and last year was listed on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a senior board leader. This has since been removed from the foundation's page.

Fact checker inserting false claim that Fauci served on 
-> Microsoft's <- board. A common deceptive ploy from Fact Checkers.

When it fact Fauci and other key health officials who drive the narrative do sit on his foundation's Leadership Council:

Bill Gates refuses to allow patent information to be shared

There were reports Bill Gates may have influenced getting Tedros appointed to be the Director of the WHO

Tedros is a far left terrorist Communist belonging to the Tigray People's Liberation Front, which even is stated on Wikipedia

see Political Party

see ideology

Tedros defends China and China defends Tedros

Politically most politicians were tied to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, who was conveniently "suicided" or relocated to keep information that would tie all key politicians, media figures and health leaders from officially being disclosed in court.

Epstein and Maxwell were part of an intelligence operation to compromise important figure heads. They would drug like Scopolamine to inhibit their political victims decision making ability.

Historically many politicians, judges ranking military, homeland security officials, Vatican officials, media journalists, members of the royal family all have reports of being involved in sex scandals and with children. Because that's how their system is held in place to keep everyone blackmailed.

An Anti-CCP Taiwanese organization explained that the CCP uses tactics for blackmailing politicians. They have videos of the current US president's son engaged in pedophile acts. These links are instantly banned by an AI algorithm from being shared on social media with a warning that the link is dangerous.

Content links:

You have to search for Biden laptop. There will be many videos. Just scroll down and look for the ones that stick out from the thumbnail images. They're not hard to find.

And German article linking Hunter Biden on pornhub

The CCP is unrestricted in its world Domination plans. Anti-CCP whistle-blowers point out that the CCP uses a three pronged strategy BYG to subvert other nations. 

The evidence certainly agrees with this claim. The CCP seems that it has a lot of motives to destroy the US. The US has stood in the way of China for decades. 

Australian Health Minister obsessed with the New World Order?

Dr. Kerry Chant, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, uses the term New World Order to describe what the pandemic is about. "We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order."

Many world leaders mentioning the 'New World Order' - compilation

ID2020, GAVI and Microsoft 
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

Gates crypto currency tech Microsoft patent

Depopulation agenda in their own words. Several billionaires talk about the need to greatly reduce the population to stop climate change.

The WHO, CDC, NIH work together to block other treatments that work against Covid. They also have stooges in places who turn a blind eye to VAERS reports to downplay the destruction the jabs cause.

Florida Attorney General accused the WHO of human trafficking and said the organization has no accountability and no credibility.

New study: Covid's spike protein plays a key role in illness

Evidence of premeditated planning agenda

Fauci said in 2017 there would be a surprise outbreak under Trump.

And why did over 1300 CEOs all decide to step down just before Nov 2019? Did they know something?

IMF World Bank, prior to the year 2019, made purchases of COVID-19 test kits was listed on the IMF website until people discovered the purchases. They removed and replaced the reference to Covid-19 test kits WITH Medical test kits. They also had the Way Back Machine that archives internet data to remove the evidence of pre-planned pandemic reflected on their authorized purchases. Also there are now 100's of "Fact Check" articles worldwide that deny this ever occurred.

Preserved archive Covid-19 kits:

Other source:

Current reading Medical kits:

Why is the FDA Funded in Part by the Companies It Regulates?

Some at the FDA advocate vaccinating everybody by using autonomous drones

Former CDC director says he was threatened for taking Lab leak Theory seriously

Fauci CCP Officials we'll get through this together

China ready to nuke the US

Chinese scientists (CCP) Created Covid-19 Lab tried to cover tracks

Covid-19 has no credible natural ancestor

China created Covid-19

Just a bunch of industry leaders meeting at Event201 to talk about a simulated pandemic weeks before a supposed outbreak. Dr Rashad Buttar stated he was invited on a mainstream show, but was asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, that he wouldn't mention 5G and other things labeled as "conspiracy theory". 

(missing video) 

Bill Gates predicts 'Second Wave' WILL get everyone's attention.

Second wave explained by Dr Buttar

Bill Gates has everything already planned out. More pandemics and more solutions to come.

New York Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who works in ICU, described what he witnessed in treating patients for Covid, but not having symptoms of ARDS. He went on to describe something else was going on with his patients more similar to high altitude sickness. And that they are providing the wrong type of treatment for patients.

His video got removed by YouTube, but has since been allowed back.

Here's a Time article on the same Dr explaining the controversy was due to his ventilator claims.

A video from Elon Musk's girlfriend proposing to use AI to take over the world. This only matters because it shows intentions from those with the technologies and money that coups make it a reality. This seems to be what is actually happening as well. Looks like the CCP took them up on it.

"Social credit regulations are already being used to force businesses to change their language to accommodate the political demands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)." Refer to this article by Dr. Samantha Hoffman from The Australian Strategic Policy Institute,

A leaked French governmental document confirms the Reset plans

World Economic Forum lists Covid-19 as the center piece plan to include 5G.

Jason Kenney, Alberta Primier, very eloquently explains the plans of Globalist to take advantage of the "pandemic" as hypocritical opportunists. 

Canada funeral Director Michael Vogiatzakis blows the lid on Covid numbers

They are a legitimate business and he is the funeral director. Here is their website.

CIA document by Dr John Coleman ex CIA agent reveals depopulation plans:

Lotta partnerships that are pro-mandates working together to make it happen. 

$200 million CDC funding

NIH partners with GISAID

GISAID partners with the National China GeneBank

National China GENE BANK is owned by BGI-Group based in Shenzhen, China

Serco plans to use 'stay at home' bracelets designed for prisoners to help track for Covid compliance.

Moderna CEO Stéphan Bancel co-founder of bioMérieux with Alain Mérieux, who just happens to have very close ties with the CCP

Alain Mérieux helped build the S4 lab in Wuhan.

Dr Ghitalla found evidence for Teslaphoresis, but didn't know that's what the technologies were.

Fact Checkers are just there to deny the facts and the mainstream media commonly dies these ministries of propaganda

Additional screenshot information of how the narrative is manipulated

CIA document by Dr John Coleman ex-CIA agent exposes the conspirators that have been behind the scenes for awhile:

CDC admits most Covid deaths are not from Covid, reported only on OAN


The entire system is compromised for the main purpose of getting everyone to be injected with these technologies for a worldwide enslavement, increased illness and 95% population reduction.

It appears that the CCP is the biggest player involved. They have found the weaknesses of the west. 

Capitalists love money and they're easy to buy off. Owning most of Disney helps China push it's message out. China donates large amounts to many key organizations including education, media and health organizations like the WHO. 

It's easy to set up honey traps for influences in politics and the media. Just invite them to a nice hotel with a camera filming behind two way mirrors. Send in free drinks with date rape drugs. Send in children. Film everything. Also most US manufacturing is in China. 

Some politicians are married to Chinese agents. These agents have funding from the CCP to help them get elected. 

China has also used armies of hackers to obtain top secret intellectual technologies. Especially like advanced AI. They're using our technology against us. Owning that kind of AI is like having a brain with over a trillion IQ that can figure out everything. 

Fact Checkers are used to lie to the public to avoid the damaging factual information from every becoming known by the public. The danger for the conspirators is that if enough of the public were to ever find out that the Conspiracy is fact and not theory, they would loose support from the police and military. Their entire criminal enterprise would face Nuremberg 2.0 trials facing execution for participating in high crimes against humanity.

Fact Checkers are used by mainstream media to push the narratives. This is a type of propaganda that the CCP uses and its only going to get worse as democrats push for more legislation to ban any speech that disagrees with the WHO and CDC.

In other words, the CCP has full control over the entire pandemic through bribes and blackmail:

Back to Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccine patent information

Extra information and screenshots.

How the whole cabal is bound together

The AI, the CCP and bizarre evidences of limitless possibilities


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